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Come and See Visit to a Vita Dei House

We  invite you to come and see what Vita Dei House living is like.


If you are planning a one day trip with no overnight stay, please call the appropriate house listed in the footer to make arrangements for a visit.


If you hope to stay overnight, you can stay in the Guest Suite, suitable for one guest. The Guest Suite is located in one of the houses, but it has its own entrance and is completely sequestered from the house and its residents. Stipend $30 per night suggested.


If you would prefer to stay in the Vita Dei House with house residents, we require from you prior to your visit the following documents. These are required from anyone who wishes to stay long or short term in a Vita Dei House. If you submit them before your visit, should you discern that you'd like to move in, we will already have your paperwork.


The documents needed are:


a.) Full background information: Name, address, city, state, and zip code; phone number; email; birthdate; name you like to be called.

b.) Background check supplied by the police department.

c.) Resume and history.

4.) At least three references. One must be from your parish priest.

Please be in touch with us regarding submission of documents. 

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